Animal Advocacy
Measuring Progress
Independent Media
Center for American Progress, Washington, DC

$275,000, Progressive Studies Program
To increase public understanding of what it means to be a Progressive
Democracy Now!, New York, NY

$100,000, General Support
To support the production and distribution of Democracy Now!, an independent, daily news program
Fuse Innovation Fund, Seattle, WA

$5,000, Progressive Branding Project
To increase public understanding of what it means to be a Progressive
Grantmakes in Film and Electronic Media, Baltimore, MD

$5,000, General Support
For support of grantmakers committed to advancing the field of media arts and public interest media funding
Institute for American's Future, Washington, DC

$5,000, General Support
To forge the enduring progressive majority needed to realize shared prosperity and equal opportunity for all Americans
Media Matters For America, Washington, DC

$100,000, General Support
To promote monitoring, analyzing, and correcting misinformation in the U.S. media
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