Measuring Progress
Independent Media
Special Projects
Animal Advocacy
Animal Place, Vacaville, CA

$25,000, Farmed Animals
Continued support for Farmed Animal Watch newsletter and website
Animal Place, Vacaville, CA

$25,000, Farmed Animals
For a campaign to raise awareness of factory farming issues
Doris Day Animal Foundation, Washington, DC

$14,000, Chimpanzee Collaboratory
For general support of the Chimpanzee Collaboratory
Doris Day Animal Foundation, Washington, DC

$50,000, Chimpanzee Collaboratory
For support of the Chimpanzee Collaboratory's legal workgroup
Doris Day Animal Foundation, Washington, DC

$25,000, Chimpanzee Collaboratory
For efforts to retire and rehabilitate the "Coulston Chimps"
Earth Action Network/E Magazine, Norwalk, CT

$30,000, Communications
For news coverage of legal issues involving animals in E Magazine
Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, NY

$25,000, Farmed Animals
For development of humane standards for farmed animals in New Jersey
Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC

$50,000, Communications
Continued support for the Animal Channel website
Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC

$25,000, Great Apes
For work in the area of international treaties protecting great apes
Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC

$25,000, Farmed Animals
For efforts to reform hog rearing in Iowa
Meatless Monday Campaign, Inc., New York, NY

$25,000, Farmed Animals
To develop a national public outreach campaign
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Norfolk, VA

$25,000, Communications
Continued support of enhanced websites
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, DC

$100,000, Farmed Animals
Continued support for legal efforts against industrial animal production
Sierra Club Foundation, San Francisco, CA

$25,000, Farmed Animals
To support the Confined Animals Feeding Operations & Clean Water campaign
Water Keeper Alliance, White Plains, NY

$50,000, Farmed Animals
Continued support for legal challenges to industrialized hog factories
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